Weekend A-league and Cricket Attendance and TV Viewing – Nov 9th-11th, 2018


At the close of Round 4 of the 2018-19 A-league Season, attendances remain down, now -9.87% compared to same time last year, at an average of 12,829. Round 4 was attended by 49,105 – up from 45,757 during last seasons R4, despite playing in Mudgee – at 4 stadiums in 3 states.

The Womens soccer was attended by 15,185 at Penrith.

The One Day matches between Australia and South Africa were attended by 17,680 at Adelaide Oval on Friday and just 5,321 at Blundstone Arena on Sunday.


With Round 4 of the 2018-19 A-league complete, Foxtels ratings remain down 32.35% on the same time last season to an average viewership of 50,500. R4 was watched by 234,000 on Fox, down from 311,000 last year. One and streaming numbers not available.

The R2 Aleague clash between Victory and Perth rated 6,000 VPM. No other game from Round 2 made the top 5 for the week. (F1 in Mexico top rated sport at 13,000)

The Womens soccer friendly between Australia and Chile rated 49,000 on Fox.

The Cricket One Day International Series on Foxtel rated 326,000/277,000 on Sunday and 143,000/271,000 on Friday. The Womens World T20 Cup match between Australia and Pakistan rated 32,000 on Foxtel Saturday.


  • https://forums.mediaspy.org/t/friday-9-november-2018/6283
  • https://forums.mediaspy.org/t/saturday-10-november-2018/6284
  • https://forums.mediaspy.org/t/sunday-11-november-2018/6286
  • https://twitter.com/MediaweekAUS
  • https://twitter.com/au_sport
  • https://reports.oztam.com.au/#/live



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