NRL Attendance: Eleven out of 17 clubs have reported increases in average attendances over the first 9 rounds,

The NRL is experiencing a record start to the season. Eleven out of 17 clubs have reported increases in average attendances over the first 9 rounds, compared to the same last year, while 5 other clubs – all in Sydney – are showing some minor drops in crowd figures. The Dolphins are off to a terrific start, and Magic Round pulled a record attendance.

In Queensland, its all good news for the 4 clubs, with the Broncos leading the national pack, newcomers the Dolphins killing it in the attendance stakes, North Queensland are having a good season and even Gold Coast having a big left as Queensland is taken by League fever.

In Sydney, the Roosters are enjoying all the benefits of the sniny new Allianz Stadium, while the Tigers are experiencing great attendances, along with Canterbury, while Cronulla have had a minor increase, presumably due to stadium limitations. On the other side of things, its Manly, Parramatta, Penrith, Souths and St George with decreases over the first 9 rounds of 2022.

In Melbourne, the Storms crowds have lifted, while the Warriors are enjoying all the perks of actually playing in New Zealand.

In the Regions, Canberra, Gold Coast and Newcastle are all having great years.






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