Record 2023 Womens World Cup attendances on the way

Crowds at this Womens world cup so far total 1.065m….and will pass France19 by the end of the group stage in 2 days time, will overtake China 2007 by the end of the first weekend (on aggregate not average), and hurtle USA 1999 at Accor Stadium on Monday night (again on aggregate not average) when Australia play Denmark in the knockout group of 16 stage. When all is said and done this World cup will almost certainly will set a record and overtake Canada 2015 into first position on both aggregate and average.

With just 2 days & 6 matches left of the group stages, attendances at the 2023 WWC have reached 1,065,542 at an average of 25,370 (using 82% of available capacity) In Australia, total crowds are 584,387 at an average 29.219 (using 92% of available capacity) while in NZ crowds have totalled 481,155 at an average of 21.871 (73% of capacity).

Eden Park in New Zealand has the most attendees, but also the most matches, while Suncorp Stadium in Australia has a tournament average of nearly 42,000 – the best of all stadiums that have hosted more than one match. Coopers Stadium in South Australia leads the way in capacity used averaging 98% of its capacity used for every match.

Want to play with the data yourself? You can access the data table here

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