March 16 – Industry News – Jet cause losses, Socceroos deal, Balmain need $5.4m, Aami Park Turf Problems, Carrara gets Wifi

Fairfax media is reporting that the Newcastle Jets have contributed to serious losses in the 2015 financial year for the FFA which is hoping to finalise the sale of the Jets by the end of the year after incurring millions of dollars in losses from running the club since assuming the ownership from Nathan Tinkler…

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NSW Gov wants 2/3rds of NRL games to be played at big three venues

Fairfax media is reporting that the state government is in negotiations with all major sporting franchises over content agreements to ensure that a sufficient number of games will be secured for the three stadiums undertaking major works. Fairfax says based on current venue allocation figures, about 15 games currently being played at suburban stadiums will have…

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Stadium Australia Operations appointed to run Perth Stadium

The West Australian is reporting that Stadium Australia Operations, operator of Sydney’s ANZ Stadium, had been chosen as the preferred operator of the new Perth Stadium. The battle for the operator contract was fought out between Perth Stadium Management, a vehicle of the WA Football Commission in partnership with Live Nation, Ticketmaster and Delaware North;…

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The A-league and Geelong

In June 2014, Melbourne Victory announced that it would play a game at Kardinia Park in Geelong for each of the next three seasons. The Victorian Government reportedly allocated $50,000 to secure the deal. “Melbourne Victory expect up to 10,000 fans from Melbourne to travel to Geelong for the first match this season, in addition…

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Manly’s troubles at Brookvale Oval – Council cant afford maintenance.

News Limited reports that Warringah Council cant afford to maintain Brookvale Oval properly and its up to the state government to ensure matches can still be played there. Cr Menano-Pires said the maintenance had moved beyond the council’s capacity. “It’s extremely expensive for us to maintain. We are actually subsidising a private enterprise,” he said….

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